Usually I like to use a lot of color. The piece's imaginative seeds are on exhebition. This is what I'm imagining and wishing were true. I have told you the proceedure and the effect. Fully.
So with this one, I was starting on the path of color and instead I thought, "stop". So I stopped. I was kind of ekked out by my style.
Did I give up? Did I do exactly what I wanted myself to? Is this destiny or fate or coincidence, uh, incidence or meaningless or is it wrong? How far do you go? Does an "artist" really lay one last smear of paint down and say, "AH! FINI!"? Does coloring the whole thing in mean it's done? An old bandaid can be art, so no one is the judge. some might think a piece, such as, I suppose, this, is or is not finished or unfinished. C'est the life. I like the fruits of a pencil being dragged across a piece of toothy paper. It's the arabesque of my portraits. Light, strong, lean lines. This suits me fine. It could be colorful unless it isn't, and then who's to say it is or isn't just what was meant to be (or not be), no more and no less? None of it really matters at all. Focus is the only inherant benefit of this. Other than an aesthetic something--
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