Monday, May 4, 2009

So Small

It's small, but this is me and my cousin Kara, my mom, my auntie Sarah, My grandmother, Erma Beth, and my great grandmother, Georgia. Gramma George.
And our dog, Josephine. Four generations is an incredible thing.

Up North

In Vermont, this is a new thing.


'nuf said.


These things are pretty beautiful. This doesn't capture how green their eyes are.
When Jesse hears me talking to other girls I think all he hears is, "braaaaaaak, brak brak bock".
A joke I came up with: "The chickens are all real left wingers; every time I confront them about the state of the garden, they just say, 'Baraaaaaak', as though it's all that needs be said."
I am really good at coming up with ground-breaking jokes, by the way.
Not at all.

Sweet Hearts

Another dog clock. Totally piercing.