Monday, May 4, 2009
So Small


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Secret Life of Cinderblocks, Part I
The Secret Life of Cinderblocks, Part II
The Artist Formerly Known as “The Yellow Teapot”
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The other day we had moved the chicken tractor to the garden. Jesse's been doing a bunch of stuff out there, and we had been putting up the fence around the garden. I'm thinking about the chickens giving us eggs, pooping beneficially and also doing some much-needed mowing. I'm thinking about the vegetable bounty to come, and the tiny sprouting calendula doing their journey thing, and then. . . . THEN. . .
Our neighbor comes out of his trailer and walks across what used to be a yard and is now a parking lot dedicated to his collection of junky pieceashit cars. He’s talking on his phone and he’s carrying, no, setting down, a few cardboard pieces and a bunch of Styrofoam packing, and, what’s this? He’s setting fire to it!
Great plumes of black smoke belched from the burning chemicals. Jesse and I just looked at each other and shook our heads. Jesse likes to comment on peoples’ stupidity loudly, and in this case, I hope that stupid man heard.
How can that happen when the information is impossible to miss?
Monday, March 23, 2009

American Gothic with Camaro in Background

Personally. . .
Many are so confused I have to wonder what reality they are seeing and reacting to. It's certainly different that mine, which may or may not be correct. I only wish they could make the best of altered reality. Maybe that's the whole shame.
When I leave the facility, I look around at people on the street, in the grocery store—there are actual babies out there—and I'm screaming in my mind, "LOOK AT HOW YOUNG AND VERILE WE ARE!! WE'RE ABSOLUTELY DAZZLING!"
Unusual tongue
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So sweet

We just watched Kung fu Panda and Jesse just karate chopped me and I thought I erased this whole thing, but it turns out that a little edit, undo corrected the whole incident.
I love this little guy. Such a Cutie.

Yes!!!! I’m going to be bringing food to people!!!! YES!!!!
And, working at a resident care facility!!!!!! I will meet wonderful people who happen to be very old or with not-so-working bodies, and I can’t wait to meet them and take care of them. Actually, I really can’t. I have an easier time thinking of that than of –Starting the waitressing season (!!!!!!!!!) Weddings!!!! Oh weddings, and dinner service!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! SALT AND PEPPER!!!!! SPOONS!!!!!!!!
Hey, it all boils down to T I P S! And those are good things. I am a geisha. That is my goal. The elegance, not the sexual favors.
clock dogs

Today, disaster. Kitten disaster. She was in the music room, fucking around with everything as usual, and she tipped over a piece of bead board, which tipped over onto my guitar on it’s stand, and then pushed the guitar over onto a chair a la Million Dollar Baby, and my baby broke her neck. Clean off. If Jesse’s bass hadn’t met the same fate just one month ago I would think less of it, but as it is, I feel jinxed. Maybe this house just can’t stand us being here all the time. I don’t know. But, it’s expensive. I know that. Oh, she rang like silver and she shined like gold, and she shook it.
But she won’t for a while. Oh it makes me sick.
And, my instant messenger won’t work. I was trying to talk to my cousin, and it pooped. WOE IS Me. Oh mercy, woe is me.
I kid. Everything’s as beautiful and magical as it used to be.