Okay, believe me, I know, I haven't posted much in a while. . . Sorry. I've been busy, with. . . well, I made seat covers for these chairs. They're his and hers. See if you can tell which one's which.
They were so ugly before, you have no idea. One was the color of diarrhea, ripped up and stained, and the other was just. . . really ugly. Pukey, you know? It was like totally gross that we sat in those horrible chairs for so long. Ick.
Also, not so much with the dog clocks lately. We bumped the price, because, not only are they a hand made piece of art, but the personalized watercolor of the dog takes a long time, and where is a person going to get that from at such a price? So. I do have a couple of boxers coming up and they are full of it. It's going to be a good one. Perhaps that mixed with the gas crisis of Asheville and the slumping economy are to blame. And I've stopped doing art and am instead reading everything Steven King has ever written.
Do not read "The Shining" (read it!) it is so scary.