Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Flowers Who Can See You

The doves are like love. LOVE! All you need is it!!
It's rustic, y'all!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Beautiful beautiful beautiful chairs

Okay, believe me, I know, I haven't posted much in a while. . . Sorry. I've been busy, with. . . well, I made seat covers for these chairs. They're his and hers. See if you can tell which one's which.
They were so ugly before, you have no idea. One was the color of diarrhea, ripped up and stained, and the other was just. . . really ugly. Pukey, you know? It was like totally gross that we sat in those horrible chairs for so long. Ick.
Also, not so much with the dog clocks lately. We bumped the price, because, not only are they a hand made piece of art, but the personalized watercolor of the dog takes a long time, and where is a person going to get that from at such a price? So. I do have a couple of boxers coming up and they are full of it. It's going to be a good one. Perhaps that mixed with the gas crisis of Asheville and the slumping economy are to blame. And I've stopped doing art and am instead reading everything Steven King has ever written.
Do not read "The Shining" (read it!) it is so scary.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Alfred E. Newman
Dog Clock Conviction
I just wanted to say that I misnamed a few of the dogs, and I have amended those errors. When I’m working on a dog, I am sitting there, thinking of how to depict him or her, doing the artwork in stages as I think of important elements, and implementing them. When I posted them, I guess I just named them myself as I was working, trying to get the essence of their eyes, their noses and their silky/wiry manes. Their name is so secondary to their beauty, the tremendous way they are loved, and their obvious personality.
I just wanted me mam and da to see the fruits of their daughter’s labor, however humble.
AND, I wanted to thank Susan at the Funky Mutt who has done so much to help these clocks get into the hands of people who truly appreciate them. It gives me so much satisfaction to delight people with that which I make from my own hand with pleasure.
Thanks, Susan.
If you want to buy a clock of your own dog or of another’s (actually, of any animal you would like) you can buy them at The Funky Mutt in Asheville by emailing
All you have to do is email her and send her some pictures of the beloved, and a brief description of what kind of clock you would like, ie, colors, poses, etc. and she will notify me. I will make it and she will ship it. Voila! They are $89, and well worth it. Seriously, no one will ever labor over your beauty like Susan and I will. Promise. Supporting local shops and artists--nothing could be better.
Thanks for looking. Will post more soon.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Monday, August 11, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The first doll
Doll. . . (parts)

Imagination was a large contributor to my primitive childhood. Surrounded with blocks and pencils and paints and all of those games that you accrue during the duration, the babies held a more primordial reality suspension for me. Children always play what they imagine adult life to be (Fischer Price cash register, anyone? I didn’t have one, but god what I wouldn’t have given--perhaps as many as five (5) red coin shaped pieces of plastic- so real!), and for me, taking care of the plastic babies seemed important. We had a game where we went around rescuing children from unpleasant circumstances and using toilet paper to cast and recast their broken limbs.
And, memorably, I was once trying to make half a living selling these at craft shows, and I was going to college and living on the cheap so I spent some time making the ancestors of what I make now, and one night at about 12 AM, I had finished yet another doll. I sat back and stretched and looked at the fruit of my labor; row upon row of shiny pretty dollies! All staring at me from between the gaps in the weave of the muslin—an ARMY OF BEAUTIES! My minions!
And anyway, my point is that I love it that sometimes people really love these gals. That is neat—it makes me feel like a hippie. That they are assembled and weigh something, and that they are aesthetically interesting makes them an exceedingly easy pleasure to enjoy for people who are susceptible to sensory information, which we all crave to some degree. But really, type q people don’t givem a second look, type p people drag their whole shopping party down because they just have to look closer.
These, incidentally, are arms and bodies. Hanging out.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Back to the Future

Bird Clock
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Passion Flowers
Also, if you'd like to buy anything at all, send me a comment and I'll try to figure out a way to get in touch. These are all for sale, so step right up. Also, on the topic of copywriting, everything here is copywrit. I. N 2008. Just in case.
Also, it's so nice to see that people actually look at this thing. I got a sitemeter, and it's true--I'm not just out here in the abyss, floating along.
Thursday, July 10, 2008


And the final product.
You may be thinking that this woman, with the witchy gaze, piercing your soul, cannot be named something as feminine as Cleopatra. That is because, many times, when we think Cleopatra, we inevitably think of that 70’s remake where Cleo is adorned in gold and eyeliner and a slit in her skirt up to the crotch. But, actually Cleopatra, it is said, despite her sheer sexuality, used a snake to kill herself. She picked up a wriggling serpent, and put it’s fangs into her arm—thereby rejecting her fate. That’s not an act for the faint-hearted and I can see the subject of this piece doing the same. So, I think it’s apt. Asp.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
The Declaration is the document from our history that sets the goal of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" for our nation. It states in part, "When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security."
And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."
And just imagine if old Donny Trump and the tycoons and the throw-away rich mutually pledged to each other their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.

Call it to your arms where it can change.
and open it's silent wings.

Since Feeling is First
E. E. Cummings
since feeling is first
who pays any attention
to the syntax of things
Will never wholly kiss you;
wholly to be a fool
while Spring is in the world
my blood approves,
and kisses are a better fate
than wisdom
lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry
your eyelids' flutter which says
we are for each other: then
laugh,leaning back in my arms
for life's not a paragraph
And death i think is no parenthesis

Friday, July 4, 2008
Honey-gold Baby

Of Sugar Hill?
Cast your gims
On this sepia thrill:
Brown sugar lassie,
Caramel treat,
Honey-gold baby
Sweet enough to eat.
Peach-skinned girlie,
Coffee and cream,
Chocolate darling
Out of a dream.
Walnut tinted
Or cocoa brown,
Pride of the town.
Rich cream-colored
To plum-tinted black,
Feminine sweetness
In Harlem’s no lack.
Glow of the quince
To blush of the rose.
Persimmon bronze
To cinnamon toes.
Blackberry cordial,
Virginia Dare wine—
All those sweet colors
Flavor Harlem of mine!
Walnut or cocoa,
Let me repeat:
Caramel, brown sugar,
A chocolate treat.
Molasses taffy,
Coffee and cream,
Licorice, clove, cinnamon
To a honey-brown dream.
Ginger, wine-gold
Persimmon, blackberry,
All through the spectrum
Harlem girls vary—
So if you want to know beauty’s
Rainbow-sweet thrill
Stroll down luscious,
Delicious, fine Sugar Hill.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

“America”—the place, the meaning, is one of newness. This is a common theme and one of true importance. Human beings have so much limitless energy, and each moment that we say yes to life, we say yes to all of creation. As Thoreau says in Walden, Chapter 2, “Morning is when I am awake and there is dawn in me (1855)” metaphorically expressing this newness in terms of the time of day. Later on the same page he says, “We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake, not by mechanical aids, but by an infinite expectation of the dawn, which does not forsake us in our soundest sleep (1855)”. I feel like this idea is lost to us modern-dayers, who close our curtains hoping that the dawn will never come, that sleep may save the moments and the hours from coming to us with another round of crap—toil, stress, pharmaceuticals, money, video games, school shootings and states of union addresses by the phony prez. Let us embrace the sentiment that “Every morning [is] a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself (1854).” Go right on back to nature—for there’s nothing so sweet and pure, so new and bursting with optimism than every moment in nature.
Maybe nature can save the Americans—even if the Americans cannot seem to save nature, but rather treat it as an enemy. Perhaps the state we have put nature in is corollary to the state of society—often polluted, sealed with cement, unenjoyed, becoming unenjoyable. Yet, as Emerson says in “Nature”, on page 1111 and 1112, in accordance with the resurrecting powers of nature and of newness, that “To the attentive eye, each moment of the year has its own beauty, and in the same field, it beholds, every hour, a picture which was never seen before and which shall never be seen again.” To see the perfection in nature, which seem to be becoming a lost art, affects a human being with spirituality, and perhaps the two are the same. As Emerson says, “The visible world and the relation of its parts, is the dial plate of the invisible”. This goes hand in hand with Thoreau’s sentiment that there is “dawn in me,”—and perhaps if people can imbibe nature, and believe in their own dawning, if they have spirituality, then maybe the rest will fall into place.
What is quintessentially American is, I believe, a mixture of the nature, the spirit, and the perseverance. Industriousness can be found in later writings, but the best example of it is in Benjamin Franklin’s “The Autobiography,” where he actually makes an account of his pursuit to attain moral perfection. His chart shows that he is human; he does not arrive at moral perfection at the end, but the point, the big point, the point that needs to be driven into the hearts of the downcast and corrupt, is that trying is necessary if one is ever to succeed. Never give up, allow ambition and imagination to coincide and bloom exponentially. Don’t be too severe with yourself; child of nature, but keep the wheels turning—try to arrive—that’s all we need to do. I suppose it really all boils down to having faith in something. Today it seems that people have no center, no belief. This dilutes them, makes them susceptible to dissipation and to laziness. We must look to the perfection of nature in providing spirituality, spirituality then makes a person self-possessed and full of hope and therefore driven to be what we hope is truly an American-- more than a leach, more than a boil on the ass of mankind, more than a belligerent mass of bigots and small-minds, bombarding other countries and killing their children, feeding our own our of the charity box at the supermarket. The Americans, I think, were the people and the progeny of people who settled here, who worked hard and prayed hard, and who had to endure. Their moral fervor was the forbearer of a very humanistic bunch of creators, industriously choosing nature, the spirit, and ultimately-- life-- in America.